Thursday, January 22, 2009

#2 - That's Real Mature

Skimming the "Academic" Blogs, I found most of them to be rather dull. Practically all of them had posts that went on and on. As a reader, if I don't find something immediately interesting within the first few seconds of just looking at a blog then I move on. As far as the internet goes, I'm extremely impatient and A.D.D.. I simply do not have the diligence to read an entire post -- especially those longer than three paragraphs -- if I can tell early on that I'm either not going to gain anything worthwhile or be amused by reading it. Even as I write this academic-like post, I cannot resist checking email or wanting to surf the net. Such is the life of an Academic Blog in my eyes.

Crooked Timber doesn't fit within my spectrum of interest. It's plain with a black and white background and the occasional burgundy text. The content is also insipid. There's just nothing I really care for on that blog.

On the other hand, Bug Girl's Blog, is quite fetching although that might be contrary to others' opinions. I feel like I can relate to her oddball rants and, sometimes, completely random posts. I can tell that she's making a conscious effort to make her blog interesting and appealing. The blog has a simple white background and some green text, but, unlike the Crooked Timber, having simple text with charming content and images emphasizes the content which makes for a well balanced blog. Admittedly, her posts are on the silly side rather than a series of in-depth articles on insects, but that's what surprises me and keeps me coming back to see what other crazy antics she's capable of.

Finally, A Walk in the Words for me is like the baby bear in Goldie Locks: just the right amount of humor and intellectual journalism to hold my attention. The design is clean and not cluttered, posts are submitted regularly, and the content is original yet not overwhelming. This balance is key if bloggers want to be both professional and maintain readers such as myself. I just hope that can find that balance with this blog.

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